Please let me know which of these four ways of moving thru the world is how you relate to the world (Taken from InterPlay tm and Move to Greatness: Focusing the Four Essential Energies of a whole and Balanced Leader by Ginny Whitelaw and Betsy Wetzig.
Swinger: or the person whom connects people to people, places etc. Also know as a collaborator
Hanger: A person who gets lots of ideas by reading and taking to others. Doesn't act very fast at times but when they do it is usually when the time is right. Sometimes called a visionary.
Thruster: This is the person that has to have their ideas and be heard. They are out on the forefront before anyone has figured out what they are talking about. (Whitelaw calls this person the driver)
Shaper: Ok so this is not my strong point. But these are the folks that just are able to put things together to "make them work". I am talking procedures, policies etc.
We have all of these parts to make who we are in the world. But some of these parts are stronger than others. Since my first way of operation is one of collaboration I see the importance immediately of working with others. I do not want to do it all and I want others to join me. So please join me my campaign to save the world-one group of 4 at a time.
Thanks for you input
Lay Community Minister for Peace